year | 2018 |
author(s) | Felix Scherz |
title | Optimization of Physical Vapor Deposition for Yttrium |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 18-99 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F28 |
document type | Bachelorarbeit |
Abstract (en) | Yttrium exposed to hydrogen exhibits a reversible, metal-insulator phase transition, making it a very interesting material for nanostructure fabrication, as it allows for the modciation of optical characteristics of the material, even after manufacturing. This thesis concerns itself with the physical vapor deposition process of thin yttrium lms (50 nm) that exhibit the desired phase transition characteristics when exposed to hydrogen. By optimization of evaporation parameters such as deposition rate and ambient pressure, as well as lm geometry, a repeatable manufacturing method was developed, allowing for the deposition of phase transitioning yttrium lms. |
bibtex | @mastersthesis{Scherz2018, author = {Felix Scherz}, title = {Optimization of Physical Vapor Deposition for Yttrium}, school = {Universität Heidelberg}, year = {2018}, type = {Bachelorarbeit} } |
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