year | 2018 |
author(s) | Philipp Kunkel, Maximilian Prüfer, Helmut Strobel, Daniel Linnemann, Anika Frölian, Thomas Gasenzer, Martin Gärttner, and Markus K. Oberthaler |
title | Spatially distributed multipartite entanglement enables EPR steering of atomic clouds |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 18-84 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F17,F20,F27,P3 |
document type | Paper |
Keywords (shown) | Spatially distributed multipartite entanglement; EPR steering of atomic clouds |
source | Science 360 (2018) 413-416 |
doi | 10.1126/science.aao2254 |
Abstract (en) | A key resource for distributed quantum-enhanced protocols is entanglement between spatially separated modes. However, the robust generation and detection of entanglement between spatially separated regions of an ultracold atomic system remain a challenge. We used spin mixing in a tightly confined Bose-Einstein condensate to generate an entangled state of indistinguishable particles in a single spatial mode. We show experimentally that this entanglement can be spatially distributed by self-similar expansion of the atomic cloud. We used spatially resolved spin read-out to reveal a particularly strong form of quantum correlations known as Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) steering between distinct parts of the expanded cloud. Based on the strength of EPR steering, we constructed a witness, which confirmed genuine 5-partite entanglement. |
bibtex | @article{kunkel2018spatially, author = {Kunkel, Philipp and Pr{\"u}fer, Maximilian and Strobel, Helmut and Linnemann, Daniel and Fr{\"o}lian, Anika and Gasenzer, Thomas and G{\"a}rttner, Martin and Oberthaler, Markus K}, title = {Spatially distributed multipartite entanglement enables EPR steering of atomic clouds}, journal = {Science}, year = {2018}, volume = {360}, number = {6387}, pages = {413--416}, doi = {10.1126/science.aao2254} } |
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Datei | |
URL | arXiv:1708.02407 [cond-mat.quant-gas] |