KIP publications

year 2018
author(s) Na Liu, Tim Liedl
title DNA-Assembled Advanced Plasmonic Architectures
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 18-20
KIP-Gruppe(n) F28
document type Paper
source Chem. Rev. (2018) online
doi 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00225
Abstract (en)

The interaction between light and matter can be controlled efficiently by structuring materials at a length scale shorter than the wavelength of interest. With the goal to build optical devices that operate at the nanoscale, plasmonics has established itself as a discipline, where near-field effects of electromagnetic waves created in the vicinity of metallic surfaces can give rise to a variety of novel phenomena and fascinating applications. As research on plasmonics has emerged from the optics and solid-state communities, most laboratories employ top-down lithography to implement their nanophotonic designs. In this review, we discuss the recent, successful efforts of employing self-assembled DNA nanostructures as scaffolds for creating advanced plasmonic architectures. DNA self-assembly exploits the base-pairing specificity of nucleic acid sequences and allows for the nanometer-precise organization of organic molecules but also for the arrangement of inorganic particles in space. Bottom-up self-assembly thus bypasses many of the limitations of conventional fabrication methods. As a consequence, powerful tools such as DNA origami have pushed the boundaries of nanophotonics and new ways of thinking about plasmonic designs are on the rise.

  author   = {Na Liu, Tim Liedl},
  title    = {DNA-Assembled Advanced Plasmonic Architectures},
  journal  = {Chemical Reviews},
  year     = {2018},
  volume   = {},
  pages    = {},
  month    = {January},
  doi      = {10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00225},
  url      = {}
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