KIP publications

year 2017
author(s) Harry Anderson Rivera Tito, Anne Habermehl, Christian Müller, Sebastian Beck, Carlos Romero Nieto, Gerardo Hernandez Sosa, and Maria Esther Quintana Caceda
title Electrical and optical properties of reduced graphene oxide thin film deposited onto polyethylene terephthalate by spin coating technique
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 17-112
KIP-Gruppe(n) F6
document type Paper
Keywords (shown) Electro-optical materials; Polymers
source Appl. Opt. 56 (2017) 7774--7780
doi 10.1364/AO.56.007774
Abstract (de)

We present the reduction of solution processed graphene oxide films by hydrogen iodide vapor. The films were studied by Raman spectroscopy and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and its optoelectronic properties characterized. We obtained reduced graphene oxide films on polyethylene terephthalate flexible substrates with good electrical properties, 3.74×10−6  Ωm, and high optical transmittance of 70% in the visible range. The fabricated layers contain graphene sheets with sizes up to ~10  μm long and ~6 μm wide. The presented solution, with highly concentrated processed graphene oxide, could be used as printing ink for manufacturing transparent and conductive electrodes on plastic substrates without the requirement of elevated temperatures.

Abstract (en)

We present the reduction of solution processed graphene oxide films by hydrogen iodide vapor. The films were studied by Raman spectroscopy and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and its optoelectronic properties characterized. We obtained reduced graphene oxide films on polyethylene terephthalate flexible substrates with good electrical properties, 3.74×10−6  Ωm, and high optical transmittance of 70% in the visible range. The fabricated layers contain graphene sheets with sizes up to ~10 μm long and ~6 μm wide. The presented solution, with highly concentrated processed graphene oxide, could be used as printing ink for manufacturing transparent and conductive electrodes on plastic substrates without the requirement of elevated temperatures.

  author   = {Harry Anderson Rivera Tito, Anne Habermehl, Christian Müller, Sebastian Beck, Carlos Romero Nieto, Gerardo Hernandez Sosa, and Maria Esther Quintana Caceda},
  title    = {Electrical and optical properties of reduced graphene oxide thin film deposited onto polyethylene terephthalate by spin coating technique},
  journal  = {Appl. Opt.},
  year     = {2017},
  volume   = {56},
  number   = {28},
  pages    = {7774--7780},
  month    = {Oct},
  doi      = {10.1364/AO.56.007774},
  url      = {}
URL RiveraTito:17
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