KIP publications

year 2004
author(s) D. Jürgens, A. Greiner, R. Stützle, A. Habenicht, E. te Sligte and M.K. Oberthaler
title Quantum Features in Atomic Nanofabrication using Exactly Resonant Standing Waves
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 04-71
KIP-Gruppe(n) F17
document type Paper
Keywords (shown) Quantum Features Atomic Nanofabrication Resonant Standing Waves
source Physical Review Letters 93 (2004) 237402
doi 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.237402
Abstract (en)

We report on the first fabrication of nanostructures with exactly resonant light revealing the quantum character of the atom-light interaction. Classically the formation of nanostructures is not expected; thus, the observed formation of complex periodic line patterns can be explained only by treating atom-light interaction and propagation of the atoms quantum mechanically. Our numerical quantum calculations are in quantitative agreement with this experimental finding. Moreover, the theory predicts that for small detunings nanostructures with lambda/4 period can be produced, which beats the standard nanofabrication limit of lambda/2. Our experiments confirm this prediction.

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