year | 2016 |
author(s) | Alexander Al Saroori |
title | Implementing and applying correlative superresolution microscopy to study chromatin organization in fixed and living cells |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 16-120 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F18 |
document type | Masterarbeit |
Abstract (de) | Unterschiedliche superhochauflösende Mikroskopietechniken besitzen häufig charakteristische Vorteile aber auch Limitationen, welche durch deren geeignete Kombination ausgeglichen werden können. So wurden in der Arbeit die Lokalisationsmikroskopie |
Abstract (en) | Different superresolution microscopy techniques have often characteristic advantages but also limitations, which could be equalized with a suitable combination of these techniques. In this project the single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) was successfully combined with structured illumination microscopy (SIM) to a get a deeper insight in the chromatin organisation of cells. This combined approach allows to put precisely localized (10 nm-range), optical isolated fluorophores (SMLM) in context with highly resolved (100 nm-range) spatial information (SIM). Using this correlative approach with a suitable mounting medium (VECHATSHIELD/Glycerol mixture) and fluorophores, evidence was found that nucleosomes in U20S-Scc1 cells are arranged mainly in nanocluster with four and seven nucleosomes. |