year | 2017 |
author(s) | S. Kempf, M. Wegner, A. Fleischmann, L. Gastaldo, F. Herrmann, M. Papst, D. Richter, C. Enss |
title | Demonstration of a scalable frequency-domain readout of metallic magnetic calorimeters by means of a microwave SQUID multiplexer |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 17-03 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F4,ECHO |
document type | Paper |
source | AIP Advances 7 (2017) 015007 |
doi | 10.1063/1.4973872 |
Abstract (de) |
We report on the first demonstration of a scalable GHz frequency-domain readout of metallic magnetic calorimeters (MMCs) using a 64 pixel detector array that is read out by an integrated, on-chip microwave SQUID multiplexer. The detector array is optimized for detecting soft X-ray photons and the multiplexer is designed to pro- vide a signal rise time τrise < 400 ns and an intrinsic energy sensitivity ε < 30 h. This results in an expected energy resolution ∆EFWHM < 10 eV . We measured a signal rise time τrise as low as 90 ns and an energy resolution ∆EFWHM as low as 50 eV for 5.9 keV photons. The rise time is about an order of magnitude faster compared to other multiplexed low-temperature microcalorimeters and close to the intrinsic value set by the coupling between electron and spins. The energy resolution is degraded with respect to our design value due to a rather low intrinsic quality factor of the microwave resonators that is caused by the quality of the Josephson junction of the associated rf-SQUID as well as an elevated chip temperature as compared to the heat bath. Though the achieved energy resolution is not yet compatible with state-of- the-art single-channel MMCs, this demonstration of a scalable readout approach for MMCs in combination with the full understanding of the device performance showing ways how to improve represents an important milestone for the development of future large-scale MMC detector arrays |
Abstract (en) |
We report on the first demonstration of a scalable GHz frequency-domain readout of metallic magnetic calorimeters (MMCs) using a 64 pixel detector array that is read out by an integrated, on-chip microwave SQUID multiplexer. The detector array is optimized for detecting soft X-ray photons and the multiplexer is designed to pro- vide a signal rise time τrise < 400 ns and an intrinsic energy sensitivity ε < 30 h. This results in an expected energy resolution ∆EFWHM < 10 eV . We measured a signal rise time τrise as low as 90 ns and an energy resolution ∆EFWHM as low as 50 eV for 5.9 keV photons. The rise time is about an order of magnitude faster compared to other multiplexed low-temperature microcalorimeters and close to the intrinsic value set by the coupling between electron and spins. The energy resolution is degraded with respect to our design value due to a rather low intrinsic quality factor of the microwave resonators that is caused by the quality of the Josephson junction of the associated rf-SQUID as well as an elevated chip temperature as compared to the heat bath. Though the achieved energy resolution is not yet compatible with state-of- the-art single-channel MMCs, this demonstration of a scalable readout approach for MMCs in combination with the full understanding of the device performance showing ways how to improve represents an important milestone for the development of future large-scale MMC detector arrays |
URL | Paper |