year | 2015 |
author(s) | Marion Eryilmaz |
title | Investigation of DNA damage after ionizing radiation using spatial position determination Microscopy (SPDM) |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 15-98 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F18 |
document type | Masterarbeit |
Abstract (en) | Ionizing radiation is omnipresent in our world either by natural radiation, due to medical treatments or cosmic radiation on a long haul flight. The main threat of radiation is DNA damage which can cause chromosomal aberrations, genetic instability and cancer. Therefore, many investigations con-centrate to understand how the cell recognizes those damages and how they are repaired. Over time one protein became the gold standard for indication of radiation induced DNA DSB, the yH2AX pro-tein. After radiation this protein acts as an initiator for the recruitment of repair proteins. One of these repair proteins is the MRE11 which is a member of the MRN complex and present during HR. Both proteins form foci at the DNA break and were the focus of many studies on radiation-induced DNA damage. For the analysis of these two proteins the fluorescence microscopy was applied over years. But with time new microscopy methods were developed, which are able to give a better in-sight to the protein distribution due to a higher resolution. One of these high resolution microscope methods is the SPDM, which was used in this thesis. |