KIP publications

year 2015
author(s) Diana Nanova, Michael Scherer, Felix Schell, Johannes Zimmermann, Tobias Glaser, Anne Katrin Kast, Christian Krekeler, Annemarie Pucci, Wolfgang Kowalsky, Rasmus R. Schröder, Robert Lovrinčić
title Why Inverted Small Molecule Solar Cells Outperform Their Noninverted Counterparts
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 15-63
KIP-Gruppe(n) F6
document type Paper
source Advanced Functional Materials 25 (2015) 6511–6518
doi 10.1002/adfm.201502943
Abstract (en)

It is shown that the effect of substrate heating on the photo conversion efficiency in vacuum-deposited small molecule organic solar cells is closely related to the improved free charge generation in ordered C60 regions. The formation of these ordered regions strongly depends on the deposition sequence in the device and differs therefore between inverted and noninverted cells. Substrate-induced local fullerene ordering is found in small molecule:C60 bulk heterojunctions (BHJs) deposited on pristine C60 at elevated temperatures. This does not occur for BHJs deposited under identical conditions on pristine donor molecule layers, despite similar degrees of phase separation in both cases. These findings point to a hitherto unidentified advantage of inverted over noninverted solar cells that manifests itself in a higher charge separation efficiency.

  author   = {Nanova, Diana and Scherer, Michael and Schell, Felix and Zimmermann, Johannes and Glaser, Tobias and Kast, Anne Katrin and Krekeler, Christian and Pucci, Annemarie and Kowalsky, Wolfgang and Schröder, Rasmus R. and Lovrinčić, Robert},
  title    = {Why Inverted Small Molecule Solar Cells Outperform Their Noninverted Counterparts},
  journal  = {Advanced Functional Materials},
  year     = {2015},
  volume   = {25},
  number   = {41},
  pages    = {6511–6518 },
  doi      = {10.1002/adfm.201502943},
  url      = {}
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