year | 2015 |
author(s) | Michael Tzschoppe |
title | Magnetische Untersuchungen an geschichteten Übergangsmetalloxiden mit konkurrierenden Wechselwirkungen |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 15-23 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F25 |
document type | Bachelorarbeit |
Keywords (shown) | Oxides |
Abstract (de) | Magnetische Untersuchungen an geschichteten Übergangsmetalloxiden mit konkurrierenden Wechselwirkungen: In der vorliegenden Bachelorarbeit wurden Li2MnGeO4, LiMn2TeO6, MnSb2O6 und Na2MnSiO4 auf ihre grundlegenden magnetischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Darüber hinaus wurden Na3(La0.992Nd0.008)9B8O27 und (La0.85Nd0.15)2CaB10O16 magnetisch charakterisiert. |
Abstract (en) | Magnetic investigations on layered transition metall oxides with competetive interactions: The thesis at hand presents magnetic studies on the layered frustrated systems Li2MnGeO4, LiMn2TeO6, MnSb2O6 und Na2MnSiO4 and on Nd-doped laser materials Na3(La0.992Nd0.008)9B8O27 and (La0.85Nd0.15)2CaB10O16. Specifically, the susceptibility in the temperature range from 1.8 K to 340 K at various magnetic fields and the magnetization versus magnetic field up to 5 T at various temperatures were measured. All manganese compounds exhibit long range antiferromagnetic order at low temperature. For Li2MnGeO4 and MnSb2O6, the detailed magnetic phase diagrams were constructed. Nd3+ ions in Na3(La0.992Nd0.008)9B8O27 behave similarly to free ions, whereas a strong influence of the crystal field is evident in (La0.85Nd0.15)2CaB10O16. |