year | 2014 |
author(s) | V.N. Shlegel, L. Berge, R.S. Boiko, M. Chapellier, D.M. Chernyak, N. Coron, F.A. Danevich, R. Decourt, V.Ya. Degoda, L. Devoyon, A. Drillien, L. Dumoulin, C. Enss, A. Fleischmann, L. Gastaldo, et. al. |
title | Purification of molybdenum oxide, growth and characterization of medium size zinc molybdate crystals for the LUMINEU program |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 14-30 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F4 |
document type | Paper |
source | EPJ 65, 03001 (2014) |
doi | 10.1051/epjconf/20136503001 |
Abstract (de) | The LUMINEU program aims at performing a pilot experiment on neutrinoless double beta decay |
Abstract (en) | The LUMINEU program aims at performing a pilot experiment on neutrinoless double beta decay |