KIP publications

year 2006
author(s) A. Priebe, A. Pucci, A. Otto
title Infrared Reflection-Absorption Spectra of C2H4 and C2H6 on Cu: Effect of Surface Roughness
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 06-63
KIP-Gruppe(n) F6
document type Paper
source The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (2006) 1673-1679
doi 10.1021/jp054803q
  author   = {Priebe, A. and Pucci, A. and Otto, A.},
  title    = {Infrared Reflection-Absorption Spectra of {C$_2$H$_4$} and {C$_2$H$_6$} on {Cu}: Effect of Surface Roughness},
  journal  = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry B},
  year     = {2006},
  volume   = {110},
  number   = {4},
  pages    = {1673-1679},
  doi      = {10.1021/jp054803q},
  url      = {}
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