KIP publications

year 1996
author(s) A. Lehmann, G. Fahsold, G. König, K. H. Rieder
title He-scattering studies of the BaF2(111) surface
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 96-16
KIP-Gruppe(n) F6
document type Paper
Keywords (shown) Atom-solid scattering and diffraction — elastic; Atom-solid scattering and diffraction — inelastic; Barium fluoride; Low index single crystal surfaces; Phonons; Surface structure, morphology, roughness, and topography; Water
source Surf. Sci. 369 (1996) 289-299
doi 10.1016/S0039-6028(96)00903-X
Abstract (en)

BaF2(111) surfaces were prepared by cleavage in UHV and investigated with He atom scattering. Diffraction measurements were used for a characterization of the crystalline surface structure, of the thermal stability, and of the adsorption behavior of water. It follows from the experimental results that cleavage produces step heights with odd numbers of F-Ba-F layers, probably up to three. Phonon dispersions of the Rayleigh mode and of two other surface modes are derived from time-of-flight measurements of inelastically scattered He atoms and explained in the framework of a nearest-neighbour central force model that involves the bulk parameters. An effective surface Debye temperature of about 200 K follows from the investigation of specular intensity as a function of temperature. Heating up to 720 K causes etch pits. At 130 K the formation of a (1 × 1) water adsorbate structure is proved. The findings are discussed regarding recent results from CaF2(111).

  author   = {Lehmann, A. and Fahsold, G. and K\"{o}nig, G. and Rieder, K. H.},
  title    = {He-scattering studies of the {B}a{F}$_2$(1\,1\,1) surface},
  journal  = {Surf. Sci.},
  year     = {1996},
  volume   = {369},
  pages    = {289-299},
  doi      = {10.1016/S0039-6028(96)00903-X},
  url      = {}
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