year | 2010 |
author(s) | E. Berdermann and M. Pomorski and W. de Boer and M. Ciobanu and S. Dunst and C. Grah and M. Kis and W. Koenig and W. Lange and W. Lohmann and R. Lovrinvcic and P. Moritz and J. Morse and S. Mueller and A. Pucci and M. Schreck and MD. S. Rahman and M. Träger |
title | Diamond detectors for hadron physics research |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 10-120 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F6 |
document type | Paper |
Keywords (shown) | CVD diamond evaluation for detector applications, Bulk and surface structure, Charge-collection and timing properties, Transport parameters |
source | Diamond and Related Materials 19 (2010) 358 - 367 |
doi | DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2009.11.019 |
bibtex | @article{Berdermann09, author = {E. Berdermann and M. Pomorski and W. de Boer and M. Ciobanu and S. Dunst and C. Grah and M. Kis and W. Koenig and W. Lange and W. Lohmann and R. Lovrin\v{c}i\'{c} and P. Moritz and J. Morse and S. Mueller and A. Pucci and M. Schreck and MD. S. Rahman and M. Tr\"{a}ger}, title = {Diamond detectors for hadron physics research}, journal = {Diamond and Related Materials}, year = {2010}, volume = {19}, number = {5-6}, pages = {358 - 367}, note = {Proceedings of Diamond 2009, The 20th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes and Nitrides, Part 1}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2009.11.019}, url = {} } |
URL | |