KIP publications

year 2013
author(s) D. Rothfuß, A. Reiser, A. Fleischmann, C. Enss
title Noise thermometry at ultra low temperatures
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 13-28
KIP-Gruppe(n) F3,F5
document type Paper
Keywords (shown) enss
source Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 052605/1-4 (2013)
Abstract (de)

We present a contact free cross-correlation noise thermometer experimentally characterized for
temperatures between 0.8K and 45 lK. The noise source is a cold-worked copper cylinder. The
fluctuations of magnetic fields due to the thermal motion of the electrons in the copper cylinder are
simultaneously monitored by two superconducting quantum interference device magnetometers. A
subsequent cross-correlation of both channels reduces the noise contribution of the amplifiers by more than one order of magnitude. This technique covers almost five orders of magnitude in temperature including ultra low temperatures, which were accessible only by platinum nuclear magnetic resonance thermometers so far.

Abstract (en)

We present a contact free cross-correlation noise thermometer experimentally characterized for
temperatures between 0.8K and 45 lK. The noise source is a cold-worked copper cylinder. The
fluctuations of magnetic fields due to the thermal motion of the electrons in the copper cylinder are
simultaneously monitored by two superconducting quantum interference device magnetometers. A
subsequent cross-correlation of both channels reduces the noise contribution of the amplifiers by more than one order of magnitude. This technique covers almost five orders of magnitude in temperature including ultra low temperatures, which were accessible only by platinum nuclear magnetic resonance thermometers so far.

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