KIP publications

year 2006
author(s) S. Sangiorgio, C. Enss, A. Fleischmann, L. Gastaldo, et al.
title The microcalorimeter arrays for a Rhenium experiment (MARE): A next-generation calorimetric neutrino mass experiment based on the study of 187Re β spectrum
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 06-58
KIP-Gruppe(n) F4,ECHO
document type Paper
source Prog. Part. Nuc. Phys. 57, 68-70 (2006)
Abstract (de)

Even if neutrino oscillation experiments have proved undoubtedly that neutrinos do have mass, the puzzle is still far from being solved. An important contribution to this quest for neutrino mass can come from the project microcalorimeter arrays for a Rhenium experiment (MARE) which has been proposed to measure the neutrino mass directly through observation of the View the MathML source spectrum. Two experiments, MIBETA and MANU, are pooling their experience in this field with other groups to form an international collaboration to address the challenging goal of an experiment with 0.2 eV sensitivity. The present situation will be discussed here along with MARE’s evolution and prospects.

Abstract (en)

Even if neutrino oscillation experiments have proved undoubtedly that neutrinos do have mass, the puzzle is still far from being solved. An important contribution to this quest for neutrino mass can come from the project microcalorimeter arrays for a Rhenium experiment (MARE) which has been proposed to measure the neutrino mass directly through observation of the View the MathML source spectrum. Two experiments, MIBETA and MANU, are pooling their experience in this field with other groups to form an international collaboration to address the challenging goal of an experiment with 0.2 eV sensitivity. The present situation will be discussed here along with MARE’s evolution and prospects.

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