KIP publications

year 1996
author(s) S.R. Bandler, J.S. Adams, S.M. Brouer, C. Enss, R.E. Lanou, H.J. Maris, T. More, S.F. Porter, G.M. Seidel
title Scintillation and Anisotropic Roton Generation by Charged Particles in Superfluid Helium
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 96-05
KIP-Gruppe(n) F4
document type Paper
source Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 370 (1996) 138-141
  author   = {S.R. Bandler, J.S. Adams, S.M. Brouer, C. Enss, R.E. Lanou, H.J. Maris, T. More, S.F. Porter, G.M. Seidel},
  title    = {Scintillation and Anisotropic Roton Generation by Charged Particles in Superfluid Helium},
  journal  = {Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A},
  volume   = {370},
  year     = {1996},
  pages    = {138-141}
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