year | 2011 |
author(s) | Florian Staier, Heinz Eipel, Petr Matula, Alexei V. Evsikov, Michal Kozubek, Christoph Cremer, and Michael Hausmann |
title | Micro axial tomography: A miniaturized, versatile stage device to overcome resolution anisotropy in fluorescence light microscopy |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 11-61 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F2,F18 |
document type | Paper |
Abstract (en) | With the development of novel fluorescence techniques, high resolution light microscopy has become a challenging technique for investigations of the three-dimensional (3D) micro-cosmos in cells and sub-cellular components. So far, all fluorescence microscopes applied for 3D imaging in biosciences show a spatially anisotropic point spread function resulting in an anisotropic optical resolution or point localization precision. To overcome this shortcoming, micro axial tomography was suggested which allows object tilting on the microscopic stage and leads to an improvement in localization precision and spatial resolution. Here, we present a miniaturized device which can be implemented in a motor driven microscope stage. The footprint of this device corresponds to a standard microscope slide. A special glass fiber can manually be adjusted in the object space of themicroscope lens. A stepwise fiber rotation can be controlled by a miniaturized stepping motor incorporated into the device. |