
Jahr 2009
Autor(en) C. Pies, A. Pabinger, S. Kempf, A. Fleischmann, L. Gastaldo and C. Enss
Titel Metallic magnetic calorimeters for high precision QED tests at GSI/FAIR
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 09-67
KIP-Gruppe(n) F4,ECHO
Dokumentart Paper
Keywords (angezeigt) MMC, metallic magnetic calorimeter, low-temperature detectors, QED effects in ions, lithography, electrodeposition
Quelle AIP Conference Proceedings 1185, 603-607 (2009)
Abstract (en)

The quantum electrodynamics belongs to the best tested and established theories in modern physics. However, the evaluation of high order processes, as necessary in the presence of large electric fields, is still demanding. Of particular interest in this field is the Lamb shift of highly charged, hydrogen-like ions, as the theoretically claimed error bars start to be smaller than the experimental ones. We recently started to develop a 18 detector array for high resolution x-ray spectroscopy of hydrogen-like Uranium at the GSI/FAIR. The detectors are designed to have an energy resolution below 30 eV in the relevant energy range up to 100 keV. We discuss the considerations that lead to our present detector design, as well as the present micro-fabrication techniques.

  author   = {C. Pies et al.},
  title    = {Metallic magnetic calorimeters for high precision QED tests at GSI/FAIR},
  journal  = {AIP Conference Proceedings},
  volume   = {1185},
  year     = {2009},
  pages    = {603-606}
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