KIP publications

year 2008
author(s) M. Rodrigues, E. Leblanc, M. Loidl, J. Bouchard, B. Censier, A. Fleischmann, A. Burck, H. Rotzinger C. Enss
title A Metallic Magnetic Calorimeter for Hard X-Ray and Gamma Ray Spectrometry
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 08-66
KIP-Gruppe(n) F4
document type Paper
source J Low Temp Phys (2008) 151: 1080–1086
Abstract (en)

The CEA/LNHB is responsible for the determination and publication of
atomic and nuclear data such as X-ray and gamma ray emission probabilities. In order
to reduce uncertainties on the determination of these data, a high energy resolution
associated with a good intrinsic detection efficiency is required. Hence taking into
account these two aspects, we are developing cryogenic detectors, especially metallic
magnetic calorimeters (MMCs) for photon spectrometry from few keV up to 200 keV.
A MMC using a meander pick-up coil made of niobium thin films has been optimized.
The gold absorber (diameter: 1.1 mm, thickness: 335 μm) has an intrinsic
detection efficiency larger than 70% for photons from few keV up to 100 keV. From
an energy spectrum obtained with a 133Ba multi-gamma source, we have characterized
this first detector. The energy resolution is 320 eV and 560 eV respectively at
30 keV and 357 keV. Possible improvements of the performance of the detector are

  author   = {M. Rodrigues et al.},
  title    = {A Metallic Magnetic Calorimeter for Hard X-Ray and Gamma Ray Spectrometry},
  journal  = {JLTP},
  volume   = {151},
  year     = {2008},
  pages    = {1080-1086}
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