KIP publications

year 2011
author(s) Robert Lovrincic, Sebastian Noebel, and Annemarie Pucci
title Infrared Monitoring of Diamond Metalization
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 11-01
KIP-Gruppe(n) F6
document type Paper
Keywords (shown) Infrared spectroscopy
source Applied Spectroscopy 65 (2011) 105
Abstract (en)

The ultra-high-vacuum growth of thin chromium and aluminum films on single diamond crystals at various temperatures was monitored by means of infrared spectroscopy, which provides instant information on electronic and morphological properties of the produced metal films. In accordance with atomic force microscopy results, spectra for Al indicate a clear island-like growth in the beginning followed by a transition to a continuous layer. Cr growth results in much smoother films because of a special growth mechanism. Analysis of infrared spectra of both kinds of ultrathin metal layers yields a high DC conductivity well above 106 S/m starting from only a few nanometers thickness for sufficiently high substrate temperatures.

  author   = {Lovrincic, Robert and Noebel, Sebastian and Pucci, Annemarie},
  title    = {Infrared Monitoring of Diamond Metalization},
  journal  = {Applied Spectroscopy},
  year     = {2011},
  volume   = {65},
  pages    = {105-107(3)},
  doi      = {10.1366/10-06081}
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