KIP publications

year 2010
author(s) Andrew Davison, Eilif Muller, Daniel BrĂ¼derle and Jens Kremkow
title A common language for neuronal networks in software and hardware
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 10-28
KIP-Gruppe(n) F9
document type Paper
source The Neuromorphic Engineer
Abstract (en)

A new interface allows simulations to be run without modification in multiple software simulators and neuromorphic hardware, greatly simplifying translation and cross-validation of models.

  author   = {Davison, Andrew and Muller, Eilif and Br{\"u}derle, Daniel and Kremkow, Jens},
  title    = {A common language for neuronal networks in software and hardware},
  journal  = {The Neuromorphic Engineer},
  volume   = {},
  year     = {2010},
  pages    = {}
URL Online Article
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