KIP publications

year 2009
author(s) Rainer Kaufmann, Paul Lemmer, Manuel Gunkel, Yanina Weiland, Patrick Müller, Michael Hausmann, David Baddeley, Roman Amberger, Christoph Cremer
title SPDM - Single Molecule Superresolution of Cellular Nanostructures
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 09-55
KIP-Gruppe(n) F18
document type Paper
Keywords (shown) SPDM, localization microscopy, molecular imaging, nanobiophotonics, superresolution fluorescence microscopy
source DOI: 10.1117/12.809109
doi DOI: 10.1117/12.809109
Abstract (en)

Novel methods of visible light microscopy have overcome the limits of resolution hitherto thought to be insurmountable. The localization microscopy technique presented here based on the principles of Spectral Precision Distance Microscopy (SPDM) with conventional fluorophores under special physical conditions allows to measure the spatial distribution of single fluorescence labeled molecules in entire cells with macromolecular precision which is comparable to a macromolecular effectiv optical resolution. Based on detection of single molecules, in a novel combination of SPDM and Spatially Modulated Illumination (SMI) microscopy, a lateral (2D) effective optical resolution of cellular nanostructures around 10-20 nm (about 1/50th of the exciting wavelength) and a three dimensional (§D) effective optical resolution in the range of 40 - 50 nm are achieved.

  author   = {Rainer Kaufmann, Paul Lemmer, Manuel Gunkel, Yanina Weiland, Patrick Müller, Michael Hausmann, David Baddeley, Roman Amberger, Christoph Cremer},
  title    = {SPDM - Single Molecule Superresolution of Cellular Nanostructures},
  journal  = {Proc. of SPIE},
  volume   = {7185},
  year     = {2009},
  pages    = {}
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