KIP publications

year 2009
author(s) Patrick Eckert, Wei Shen, Hans-Christian Schultz-Coulon, Rainer Stamen, Alexander Tadday
title Characterisation Studies of Silicon Photomultipliers for a Calorimeter for the ILC
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 09-50
KIP-Gruppe(n) F11
document type Paper
Keywords (hidden) HCSC
source Workshop on New Photon-Detectors (PD09), Matsumoto, Japan, 2009
Abstract (en)

The analogue hadronic calorimeter for the International Linear Collider, developed by the CALICE Collaboration, uses novel silicon pixel-detectors (Silicon Photomultipliers) for the readout of small organic scintillator tiles. In the work presented here, a test-setup has been developed which allows to measure and compare the properties of these sensors. Besides the basic characterisation of the devices, the setup features a measurement of the Photon-Detection-Efficiency over a wide spectral range. Further it is possible to systematically study the overall device uniformity by illumination of small areas of the sensor, using a pulsed light-source. Results of these measurements for different sensor-models are presented and compared. In addition, measurements of the device response and of pixel to pixel cross-talk, performed with a CW laser beam will be discussed.

URL Proceedings
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