KIP publications

year 2008
author(s) F. Neubrech, D. Weber, R. Lovrincic, A. Pucci, M. Lopes, T. Toury, and M. Lamy de La Chapelle
title Resonances of individual lithographic gold nanowires in the infrared
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 08-30
KIP-Gruppe(n) F6
document type Paper
source Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 (2008) 163105
doi 10.1063/1.3003870
Abstract (en)

With infrared spectroscopic microscopy using synchrotron radiation, we systematically studied resonant light scattering from electron-beam lithographically produced gold nanowires (nanostripes) with diameters in the 100 nm range and with various lengths below 1 to about 2.5  µm. Similar to electrochemically grown cylindrical wires of high crystalline quality, clear antennalike plasmon resonances were observed for these stripelike and less-perfect wires. The resonance wavelength shifts with length as theoretically predicted for cylindrical gold antennas in the optical range. Surprisingly, also the extinction cross section of the nanostripes is equal to that measured for highly crystalline cylinders.

  author   = {Neubrech, F. and Weber, D. and Lovrincic, R. and Pucci, A. and Lopes, M. and Toury, T. and Lamy de la Chapelle, M.},
  title    = {Resonances of individual lithographic gold nanowires in the infrared},
  journal  = {Applied Physics Letters},
  year     = {2008},
  volume   = {93},
  number   = {16},
  pages    = {163105},
  doi      = {10.1063/1.3003870},
  url      = {}
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