KIP publications

year 2008
author(s) Frank Neubrech, Annemarie Pucci, Thomas Cornelius, Shafqat Karim, Aitzol Garcia-Etxarri, and Javier Aizpurua
title Resonant Plasmonic and Vibrational Coupling in a Tailored Nanoantenna for Infrared Detection
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 08-29
KIP-Gruppe(n) F6
document type Paper
source Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 (2008) 157403
doi 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.157403
Abstract (en)

A novel resonant mechanism involving the interference of a broadband plasmon with the narrowband vibration from molecules is presented. With the use of this concept, we demonstrate experimentally the enormous enhancement of the vibrational signals from less than one attomol of molecules on individual gold nanowires, tailored to act as plasmonic nanoantennas in the infrared. By detuning the resonance via a change in the antenna length, a Fano-type behavior of the spectral signal is observed, which is clearly supported by full electrodynamical calculations. This resonant mechanism can be a new paradigm for sensitive infrared identification of molecular groups.

  author   = {Neubrech, Frank and Pucci, Annemarie and Cornelius, Thomas Walter and Karim, Shafqat and Garc{\'{i}}a-Etxarri, Aitzol and Aizpurua, Javier},
  title    = {Resonant Plasmonic and Vibrational Coupling in a Tailored Nanoantenna for Infrared Detection},
  journal  = {Physical Review Letters},
  year     = {2008},
  volume   = {101},
  pages    = {157403},
  doi      = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.157403},
  url      = {}
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