year | 2007 |
author(s) | Elena Hassinger |
title | Pressure-temperature phase diagram of URu2Si2 by ac-calorimetry and resistivity measurements |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 07-19 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F3 |
document type | Diplomarbeit |
Keywords (shown) | heavy fermions, URu2Si2, hidden order |
source | Diplomarbeit 2007 |
Abstract (de) | Eines der interessantesten Themen im Gebiet der elektronisch hochkorrelierten Systeme ist die Konkurrenz verschiedener Grundzustände wie zum Beispiel Magnetismus und Supraleitung. Die sogenannten Schwere-Fermion Systeme sind aufgrund ihrer niedrigen charakteristischen Energie (Fermi-Temperatur) besonders zur Untersuchung einer solchen Konkurrenz geeignet, da der Grundzustand durch Druck oder ein Magnetfeld einfach verändert werden kann. |
Abstract (en) | One of the most exciting topics in strongly correlated electron systems is the competition between different ground states like magnetic order and superconductivity. The so-called heavy fermion compounds are, due to their low characteristic energy (Fermi temperature), extremely suitable to study such a competition because the ground state properties can be modified easily by applying pressure or magnetic field. In this work we have studied in detail the pressure-temperature phase diagram of the uranium based heavy fermion compound URu2Si2 by resistivity and ac-calorimetric measurements under highly hydrostatic pressure and at low temperature. All measurements were carried out on the same sample in a diamond anvil cell. At zero pressure this compound shows two successive phase transitions. The first transition occurs at T0 = 17.5 K to the so-called ”hidden order” phase. The nature of the order parameter of this phase is still unknown. The observed ordered magnetic moment of m = 0.03 μB is too small to explain the enormous anomaly in specific heat, which is due to a condensation process where a gap opens on the Fermi surface. Below 1.4 K superconductivity coexists with this phase. Under pressure a probably first order transition to a usual antiferromagnetic phase with a larger ordered moment develops. Our investigation sheds new light on the interplay between the different ground states. The pressure phase diagram we established shows four distinct regions. The transition line between hidden order and antiferromagnetism is seen in both resistivity and ac-specific heat for the first time. It shifts very strongly to higher temperatures with increasing pressure and joins the transition line T0(p). The typical shape of the resistivity, which is caused by the rearrangement of the Fermi surface, persists to the highest pressure we measured of p = 5.5 GPa, indicating that the spin density wave, associated to the rearrangement, is coexistent with the antiferromagnetic phase at high pressures. The superconducting phase is suppressed at the pressure where the antiferromagnetic phase emerges, whereas in other uranium based heavy fermion systems magnetism and superconductivity can microscopically coexist. |
Datei | DiplArbeitEHassinger |