year |
2005 |
author(s) |
V. Lendermann |
title |
Measurements of Proton Structure at HERA |
KIP-Nummer |
HD-KIP 05-04 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) |
F10 |
document type |
Paper |
Keywords (shown) |
measurements of proton structure at hera |
source |
Proc. of 20th Winter Institute "Fundamental Interactions" (LLWI"05), Lake Louise, Canada, 2005 |
Abstract (en) |
Measurements of proton structure functions in deep inelastic ep interactions are
presented. The data were recorded with the H1 and ZEUS detectors at the HERA
ep collider at DESY in the years 19942000 (HERA I) and 20032004 (HERA I I)
at the center-of-mass energy of s = 300 GeV in 19941997 and 319 GeV in
1998 onwards. The HERA I data were used to extract quark and gluon parton
distribution functions (PDFs) and to determine the strong couplings . During
the HERA II data taking p erio d the lepton b eam was longitudinally polarized.
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