Next CQD special seminar will be given by Lily Platt, University of Ontago
Please note the place and time: Tuesday, the 14th of January 11 a.m., PI, INF 226, K 1-3, Goldenbox
The seminar will be about:
Excitations in One-Dimensional Supersolids.
This talk will explore the excitation spectra of supersolids - materials that remarkably manifest both lattice structure and superfluidity. We focus on an ultracold dilute gas exhibiting one-dimensional crystal structure with two gapless excitation branches. Two distinct supersolid systems are examined: a one dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate with softcore interactions, and a three dimensional dipolar Bose Einstein condensate confined within an infinitely long tube-shape potential.
We adopt a hydrodynamic approach based on an effective Lagrangian, which depends upon three fields, corresponding to lattice deformations, defect density current, the global phase fluctuations and four elastic parameters. This description of the supersolid allows for the determination of low-energy excitations, as well as the behaviour of the associated density and phase fluctuations of the two gapless branches. We validate our predictions for the low energy excitations by comparison to results from directly solving the Bogoliubov-de-Gennes equations, finding excellent agreement.
This talk will provide a deeper understanding of the different types of supersolid systems, and how their low-energy behaviour depends upon their characteristic elastic energy scales.
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Wichtigster Forschungsförderpreis würdigt seine experimentellen Arbeiten zur integrierten Photonik
Mit Prof. Dr. Wolfram Pernice erhält ein herausragender Wissenschaftler der Universität Heidelberg den Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Prof. Pernice forscht auf dem Gebiet der integrierten Photonik, um neue Methoden für die Informationsverarbeitung und für schnelle Rechenverfahren mit Licht zu entwickeln. Dazu arbeitet er mit Verfahren der Nanofertigung an Chipsystemen, die auf Anwendungen in der Künstlichen Intelligenz und den Quantentechnologien zielen. Mit seiner Forschung zum sogenannten neuromorphen photonischen Rechnen hat der Experimentalphysiker Pionierarbeit geleistet, wie die DFG hervorhebt.
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