Greenhorn-Meeting 2018

About The Greenhorn Meeting

The Greenhorn Meeting is an annual conference which is exclusively-opened for young scientists, working on quantum optics, atomic physics and ultra-cold gases, in the last year of graduation or in the first year of PhD studies. Besides giving the participants a platform to present their work with talks and posters, the meeting also serves as an exchange platform in a relaxed atmosphere, promoting the formation of networks inside the community.

Venue, Date and Time

This year's Greenhorn Meeting will take place at Heidelberg University from 26.09.2018 (Wednesday) to 28.09.2018 (Friday). Arrival will be one day before, on the afternoon of the 25.09.2018.
The meeting ist hosted by the workgroup of Prof. Dr. Markus Oberthaler.


Applicants should be within the first year of their PhD studies or in the last year of their graduation (M. Sc., Diploma, etc.). Each applicant needs to present a poster and give a 20 minute talk on their own research. Poster and talk may cover similar content or present two different projects. Registration is limited to 30 students (first come first served).

Costs and Accommodation

Applicants need to organise and pay their trip to Heidelberg and their accommodation.  
We already pre-reserved four-bed rooms at the Heidelberg Youth Hostel, the cost will be around 90 Euros. We highly recommend to use this offer, because the Get Together will take place there! The prices are per person, for all three nights, breakfast included.
We will not charge any conference fee!

Registration procedure

If you want to apply for this year's Greenhorn Meeting, please use the registration form.
*Application deadline is the 31.08.2018!*  
A few days after the deadline, you will receive a confirmation wether you have been accepted or not.

Many thanks to our sponsors

IMPRS Quantum-Dynamics, Heidelberg Graduate School of Physics, IsoQuant (SFB 1225)

And from Industry:
TOPTICA, LIOP-TEC, Radiant Dyes, Physical Instruments and the Vetters Brewery


If you have any questions do not hesitate to write them to: