Seminar — Reading Material


Topic Material Date
Introduction and preliminary discussion Topics - see main page
... Paper: ...

Paper: ...


The main emphasis of the Seminar is on the provided papers and the given additional material. However, for further information many books on particle physics are available. A collection of some of the most popluar books is given in the list below.

        I.J.R.Aitchison, A.J.G.Hey: Gauge Theories in Particle Physics, Adam Hilger.
        C.Berger: Elementarteilchenphysik, Springer (in German).
        R.Cahn, G. Goldhaber: The Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics, Cambridge 1989.
        F.Halzen, A.Martin: Quarks and Leptons, John Wiley.
        D.Griffith: Introduction to Elementary Particles, John Wiley.
        E.Leader, E.Predazzi: An Introduction to Gauge Theories and Modern Particle Physics, Cambridge Mongraphs.
        O.Nachtmann: Elementarteilchenphysik - Phänomene und Konzepte, Vieweg (in German).
        D.H.Perkins: Introduction to High Energy Physics, Cambridge University Press.
        P.Renton: Introduction to the Physics of Quarks and Leptons,  Cambridge University Press.
        P.P.Roe: Particle Physics, Springer.