Dr. Frank Neubrech

Talks (presenting author)


  1. (invited) Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption using Resonant Plasmonic Nanoantennas
    Physik-Kolloquium FU Berlin, Berlin, Germany
  2. (invited) Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering and Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption
    Gedenkkolloquium Prof. Dr. em. A. Otto, Düsseldorf, Germany


  3. (invited) Bildgebende FTIR-Mikroskopie: Antennen-verstärkt und Laser-basiert
    Bruker Anwendertreffen, Ettlingen, Germany
  4. (invited) Resonant plasmonic nanoantennas for mid-infrared spectroscopy and sensing
    ICES, München, Germany


  5. (invited) Resonant plasmonic nanoantennas for mid-infrared spectroscopy and sensing
    MRS fall meeting, Boston, USA
  6. (invited) Resonant plasmonic nanoantennas for mid-infrared spectroscopy and sensing
    Annual conference of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Regensburg, Germany


  7. (invited) FTIR Mikroskopie im MIR unter Verwendung einer neuartigen Strahlungsquelle hoher Brillanz: Untersuchung von Probenbereichen von nur 5 µm Durchmesser
    Bruker Anwendertreffen, Ettlingen, Germany
  8. Infrared spectroscopy near the diffraction limit with a high brilliance mid-infrared femtosecond light source
    CLEO, San Jose, USA
  9. (invited) Surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy for mid-infrared plasmonic sensing
    University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
  10. Direct laser writing for fabrication of SEIRA substrates
    Annual conference of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
  11. Infrared spectroscopy near the diffraction limit with a high brilliance mid-infrared femtosecond light source
    Annual conference of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Heidelberg, Germany


  12. (invited) Surface-Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy: Basics and Applications
    ANKA user meeting, Karlsruhe, Germany
  13. (invited) Plasmonic Vibrational Sensing in the Mid-Infrared
    SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, USA
  14. (invited) Surface-Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy: Basic Principles and Applications
    Surface-Enhanced Spectroscopies, Chemnitz, Germany
  15. Probing Antenna-Enhanced Near-Fields with Nanometer-Scale Resolution
    Annual conference of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Dresden, Germany


  16. (invited) Nanoantennen-verstärkte Infrarot-Spektroskopie
    Bruker Anwendertreffen, Ettlingen, Germany
  17. (invited) Plasmonic Nanoantennas for Surface-Enhanced Spectroscopy
    Optical Techniques and Nano-Tools for Materials and Life Sciences, Dresden, Germany
  18. Nanoantenna-Enhanced Mid-IR Vibration Spectroscopy with Single Molecular Layer Sensitivity
    Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Mainz, Germany
  19. Quantum mechanical behaviour of nanoantenna-enhanced near-fields
    Surface Plasmon Photonics 6, Ottawa, Canada
  20. (invited) Probing near fields of metallic nanoantennas
    Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics, Heidelberg, Germany
  21. Antenna-enhanced sensing of surface-phonon polaritons
    Annual conference of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Dresden, Germany
  22. Angstrom-scale distance dependence of antenna-enhanced vibrational signals
    Nanometa, Seefeld, Austria


  23. (invited) Antenna-Assisted Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption based on Nanogaps for Ultrasensitive Sensors
    Metamaterials 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia
  24. (invited) Surface-enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy
    Physikzentrum der RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany
  25. (invited) Plasmonic sensing of phonon polaritons using nanoantenna excitations
    Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, Tsukuba, Japan
  26. (invited) Surface enhanced infrared spectroscopy: fundamentals and applications
    Meta 2012, Paris, France
  27. Spectral near and far field characteristics of single plasmonic nanoantennas in the infrared
    Annual conference of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Regensburg, Germany
  28. (invited lecture) Nano-optics and plasmonics
    HGSFP Winterschool, Obergurgl, Austria


  29. Surface enhanced infrared spectroscopy for biomedical applications
    SERS Roundtable, Elenz-Poltersdorf, Germany
  30. (invited) Resonant plasmonics and vibrational coupling for field enhanced infrared spectroscopy
    Workshop on "Positioning of single nanostructures - single quantum devices", Lake Como, Italy
  31. (invited lecture) Introduction course into plasmonics
    Summerschool on Plasmonics, Functionalization and Biosensing, Heidelberg, Germany
  32. Plasmonic sensing using multipolar infrared antenna resonances
    Summerschool on Plasmonics, Functionalization and Biosensing, Heidelberg, Germany
  33. Higher order resonant excitations of nanoantennas for surface enhanced infrared spectroscopy
    Annual conference of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Dresden, Germany
  34. Plasmonic sensing of phonon polaritons using multipolar nanoantenna excitations
    Nanometa, Seefeld, Austria


  35. (invited) Surface enhanced infrared spectroscopy - pushing the detection limit towards zeptomolar sensitivity
    Annual conference of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Regensburg, Germany


  36. Surface enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) using gold nanoantennas
    SERS Roundtable, Elenz-Poltersdorf, Germany
  37. Surface enhanced infrared spectroscopy (SEIRS) using interacting gold nanowires
    Annual conference of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Dresden, Germany


  38. Plasmon-Resonance Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy Using Gold Nanoantennas Fabricated by Electron-Beam Lithography
    Plasmonic and Metamaterials, Rochester, USA
  39. Resonance enhanced infrared spectroscopy using gold nanoantennas
    Photonics Europe, Strassbourg, France
  40. Resonance enhanced infrared spectroscopy using single gold nanowires in the infrared
    Annual conference of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
  41. (invited) Resonanzverstärkte Infrarotspektroskopie
    Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics (SKIP), Heidelberg, Germany


  42. (invited) Nanoantennas in the infrared: properties and applications
    Universite de Troyes, Troyes, France
  43. (invited) SEIRA on single gold nanowires
    Max Planck Institut of Biochemistry, Munich, Germany
  44. SEIRA on single gold nanowires
    Annual conference of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Regensburg, Germany
  45. (invited) Antennalike plasmon resonances of single gold nanowires in the mid-infrared
    Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany


  46. Antenna-like plasmon resonances of single gold nanowires in the mid-infrared
    SERS roundtable, Elenz-Poltersdorf, Germany

Posters (presenting author)


  1. Plasmonic protein sensing with a high power broadband infrared laser
    Forschungstag 2013 der Baden-Wuerttemberg Stiftung, Stuttgart, Germany
  2. Fabrication of plasmonic nanoantennas by femtosecond direct laser writing lithography: effects of collective excitations on SEIRA enhancement
    Nanometa, Seefeld, Austria


  3. Plasmonic Protein Sensing
    Forschungstag 2013 der Baden-Wuerttemberg Stiftung, Stuttgart, Germany


  4. Surface enhanced infrared spectroscopy with plasmonic nanoantennas
    Optical biosensors and Nanobiophotonics, Dead Sea, Israel
  5. Higher order resonant excitations of nanoantennas for surface enhanced infrared spectroscopy
    Surface Plasmon Photonics 5, Busan, Korea


  6. Symmetry forbidden infrared resonances in single metallic nanoantennas
    ANKA usermeeting, Karlsruhe, Germany
  7. Symmetry forbidden infrared resonances in single metallic nanoantennas
    Passion for knowledge, San Sebastian, Spain
  8. Plasmonic sensing of surface phonon-polaritons
    Meta 10, Cairo, Egypt


  9. Nearfield interaction in arrays of gold nanowires in the infrared
    Surface Plasmon Photonics 4, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  10. Infrared optical properties of interacting gold nanowires
    9th International conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures, Lecce, Italy.
  11. Plasmon-Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy using lithographically prepared gold nanowire arrays
    Nanometa, Seefeld, Austria


  12. Resonance enhanced vibrational spectroscopy using single gold nanowires in the infrared
    ANKA usermeeting, Karlsruhe, Germany
  13. Infrared Absorption enhancement by metal nanoparticle resonances
    Surface Plasmon Photonics 3, Dijon, France
  14. Surface enhancend infrared absorption (SEIRA) on single gold nanowires
    EMRS Spring Meeting, Strassbourg, France
  15. Properties and application of metal nanowires in the infrared
    Nanometa, Seefeld, Austria


  16. Plasmon properties of single metal nanowires in the infrared
    ANKA usermeeting, Karlsruhe, Germany
  17. Resonant metal nanowire plasmon excitations in the infrared
    Annual conference of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Dresden, Germany


  18. Investigation of resonant metal nanowire properties in the infrared
    ANKA usermeeting, Karlsruhe, Germany
  19. Investigation of resonant metal nanowire properties in the infrared
    International Workshop on Infrared Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Accelerator Based Sources (WIRMS), Rathen, Germany