
I am available for exams all year round. Appointments for individual exams on all levels can be easily booked through my secretary. It is not necessary to contact me before. Evidently you are always welcome to discuss the content with me !

Written tests will be organised within the lecture program.

On this site you can find a collection of hints about how prepare yourself for an exam and how the exam is actually carried out. As exams are a legal formality I have to declare officially that these hints are just a friendly and personal help. They are in no way legally binding ! If you are after formal rules please consult the regulations published by the department and the university.

The following contains mostly hints concerning the abandoned diploma degree. I will update with more up-to-date information from time-to-time.

  • Hints for the oral diploma examination in experimental physics (in German)
  • Hints for the intermediate examanination in experimental physics (teachers exam and Vordiplom in German)
  • How to write a Bachelors Thesis (in German)
Karlheinz Meier
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