Analog Quantum Simulators for Many-Body Dynamics

Quantum simulators promise to provide unprecedented insights into physical phenomena not accessible with classical computers and have the potential to enable radically new technologies. Analog dynamical quantum simulators constitute a most promising class of architectures to fulfil the ultimate promise to devise quantum machines outperforming classical computers. The AQuS project undertakes a two-fold approach: On the one hand, we devise versatile and practical platforms for dynamical simulators – making use of systems of ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices and the continuum, as well as cavity polaritons. We conduct an interdisciplinary research programme of certifying quantum devices and assess them in their computational capabilities, addressing largely unexplored key questions on the power of quantum simulators. On the other, we make use of those devices to probe important questions in fundamental and applied physics, ranging from technology-relevant problems, concerning transport processes or glassy dynamics, via long-standing challenges in the physics of non-equilibrium and thermalisation phenomena, through puzzles in notions of quantum turbulence, to questions in the study of quantum gravity.

International Workshop

AQuS 2016 – Analog Quantum Simulators for Many-Body Dynamics
05-08 Sep 2016. International Academic Forum Heidelberg, Germany.

The AQuS project is funded by the EU under the Horizon-2020 scheme

H2020-FETPROACT-3-2014 Quantum simulation
Contract Number: 640800 AQuS
Project start date: 01 January 2015
Project end date:  31 December 2017