M.Sc. topic: High-frequency EPR-spectroscopy on molecular magnets

Magnetic molecules are a new class of quantum magnets realizing zero-dimensional systems. They consist of a core with a finite number of magnetically strongly interacting paramagnetic ions. The anisotropy barrier induced by the magnetic core results in bistable ground state of magnetization at low temperature. Moreover, in case of a bistable ground state set, the famous quantum tunneling of the magnetization is observed, one of the very few macroscopic quantum effects in condensed matter. High-frequency ESR Spectroscopy is particularly devoted to investigate such metal-organic materials, i.e. spin state, spin dynamics, anisotropy and spin-orbit coupling, etc.

Within the thesis, students will:

  • learn to measure at low-temperatur, to handle ultra-cold liquids, and to operate superconducting magnets withs fields up to 18 Tesla,
  • operate a THz-ESR spectrometer,
  • measure a metal-organic paramagnetic compound,
  • analyse the results regarding the above-mentioned pyhsical properties.


Recent publications of the group in this field: